Getting Started

Atomist is a programmable platform for event-driven automation of software delivery, with native chatops support. Developing on Atomist means building on a Software Delivery Machine, so let’s get started creating one!

Install the Atomist Command-Line Interface

You’ll need Git and Node.js (this comes with npm) installed

$ npm install -g @atomist/cli

Or on a mac, if you prefer homebrew:

$ brew install atomist-cli

Now you have the atomist command installed which is used for creating and running an SDM.

Create an Atomist Workspace

A Workspace is where you configure which git repositories or organizations SDMs work on. It’s also where you connect a workspace to chat, and invite and manage other users of the workspace. You’ll need a workspace to connect your own SDM to.

Configure your CLI:
          $ atomist config 
? Enter your api key from
        or hit to select an authentication provider
        to login with Atomist:
Select one of the following authentication providers available to login with Atomist:
? Authentication Provider GitHub
Logged in as roborate using GitHub
No workspaces available. Run atomist workspace create
Create a Workspace:
          $ atomist workspace create 
Logged in as roborate using GitHub
Create a new workspace:
? Workspace Name roborate
Successfully created new workspace roborate with id ACJJMMMKO3
Select an SCM provider type to configure:
? SCM provider
Please select organizations you want to enable:
? Organizations roborate-org
Successfully configured SCM provider

Create a Software Delivery Machine

          $ atomist create sdm 
? Type of SDM to create
❯ uhura
  Successfully created new project uhura at file:~/atomist/projects/target-owner/uhura
$ cd ~/atomist/projects/target-owner/uhura
$ atomist start

When it prompts you for (mapped parameter) target-owner, enter your GitHub organization (or your GitHub username). A new directory will be created for the SDM in $ATOMIST_ROOT/<target-owner>/<target repository>. This will not create a repository on GitHub.

Running atomist start will install (npm install) and start the Uhura SDM. Uhura provides the same delivery goals that are provided to every workspace by the Atomist service. By installing your own instance of Uhura, you can extend and customize its behavior.

When the Uhura SDM starts up, it will connect to your Atomist workspace. Test it out by creating a new project and see the delivery goals execute.

Next: See Tutorials to start developing your SDM

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David Christian
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