Never forget to contribute coffee

What Is CoffeeBot

CoffeeBot is a Slack Bot that automates your Chingu Cohort donations. Never forget that weekly coffee contribution again!

CoffeeBot uses PayPal’s APIs to complete your donations according to the schedule that you choose. These continue as recurring payments throughout the duration of your Voyage, with a reminder being sent prior to authorization.

Payments automatically cease and a report will be sent with the total funds contributed on the last day of your cohort.

How It Works

Adding this handy little CoffeeBot to your cohort’s slack is very easy!

You can set up a donation by typing /donate into the chat field. Enter a voyage & amount.

Enter a donation frequency and it will recur for the duration of your cohort.

Start Using CoffeeBot Today

Never let a friend go without coffee! CoffeeBot allows Slack team members to gift coffee to each other